In the Heart of Texas - January 21, 2025 The Great Failing Away is Underway and has been really for awhile now. Awhile being since the year of 2015, but for me it hit more around 2020. First and foremost this is for the church Believers. Don't just click off yet; non-believers, atheists and all others. There's always something in my blog posts for everyone, no matter who's side your on. Back to the Believers. Don't trade your seat at the bride's wedding supper for another. This also, goes for those of you, who hasn't made their minds up yet. Repent now!
Most Believers have been taught the words of the Lord Christ Jesus, and have been believing on God for everything all your lives. Maybe 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or more years, but now you have lost your salt. You look just like the world. You cuss like a trucker at home, at work and everywhere else, but get all holy on Sunday, in a fake, phony, and false church. I said it. The ones I am referring to, are those who commonly says, Jesus knows my heart, then go light one up.
Another way, the so-called believers sides with non-believers, everyday; you go against the bible scriptures when it says, keep thy foot from evil. Your right in the middle of them. Your smoking, drinking(as in purposely to get drunk), not just to have a drink or two. Birds of a feather flock together. Moderation in everything is what true believers always do. Your not disciplining your children, when your out and about(or at home). You get mad at everybody for everything. You co-sign with sinners daily by: saying things like "We are all humans, everybody makes mistakes, we understand, we do not judge, etc., etc." All without repentance. This! I can go on, but I won't.
The great failing away is definitely underway. Deception comes with pain. "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV Most Pastors we grew up with, are now being found guilty of committing sexual assaults', pedophiles, stealing of church funds, are homosexuals but portraying themselves as heterosexural. TD Jakes, Tony Evans, Robert Morris are trending and more are to come. A holy judgement cleansing is taking place, what a beautiful world this be by the holy of holy's. HALLALUYAH!
Your now seeing the greatest healthcare innovations(i.e. bio-healing, medi-beds), for all. I just researched for this blog post and look what I found a biohealer, for only a low cost of $11,000.00(USD). I can't make this up(well yeah I can, but won't). And yes of course, Sister Celestial has a entire playlist on this, click here to start. Soon there will be new body parts for those who are paraplegic. Be like Nancy Regan and just say NO. Don't to do it.
Anything you add onto your temple, will denied your entrance into Heaven. I am here to grab some of the last grapes, left hanging on the vines, who haven't yet made up their minds. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Romans 1:17 KJV So have faith, that's it's not too late to repent and become new again. "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." Revelation 21:5 KJV
I'll blog back later.
Your Girl LG
Holy Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV, Romans 1:17 KJV and Revelation 21:5 KJV
Photo Credit: Your Girl LG
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