Sunday, July 28, 2024

Tick. Tock. Movies to Watch.


July 28, 2024 - Somewhere in Time  Regardless, if you are awoke or are still asleep. A believer or non-believer. It is high time to realize something, something, something, something, just ain't right. Listen to Keith Sweat tell you. Get your head out of the clouds or sand people. We are about to enter into a time no man has known. As King Jesus said: But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:37 KJV

For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels: and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Matthew 16:27 KJV

I just finish watching Greenland (click here to watch), which is a good scenario or what's to come. It will be imperative that you, your family members are communicating and have a plan. Or you will run into un-necessary chaos along the way. This month of July 2024, has been playing out over, and over, roughly like the book of Revelations.  Our Lord and Savior still has mercy for us; still letting us know he's not playing!  Prophet Paul wrote: 

"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?" Galatians 3:1 KJV

King Jesus's hand is still stretched out for his people, to the Jew and the Gentiles, worldwide. But know this: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Matthew 24:37 KJV Coordinators of the 2024 Olympus; you think you can mock God and nothing will happened?  The audacity of the evil people of this earth!  

How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. Jude 1:18 KJV  I can write this blog post in full Faith, knowing Jesus Christ is my rock my salvation, my strong tower! If you don't know him, today would be a good day to pray this prayer of salvation: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Acts 2:21 KJV

I get a lot  of naysayers, in the comments sections; when I post the words of the living God on social media. John says it better with: But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. John 10: 26 KJV

Moving along. Here are a few movies to watch(maybe after watching, you'll go pick up your Bible or Google something about the Bible; or better yet, click one of the links posted here on this blog!).😇 

The following movies are R rated, so children under 18 get your parents permission before viewing. These movies are based off, the current times and situations we are in:


A Quiet Place: Day One

Alien Apocalypse

Cell - No Link for this one.🙎

Civil War

Red Dawn This is the original. I prefer. The remix was not so bad. Click here for the re-make.

They Live

That's just for starters. I will added more in another blog post. Children of God, know that he is still showing us mercy during these times. Repent! The time is at hand.

Until next time. Yah willing.
Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

Holy Scriptures:  Acts 2:21 KJV,  Galatians 3:1 KJV, John 10:26 KJV, Jude 1:18 KJV Romans 10:13 KJV

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Average Age was "19"


July 19, 2024 -- A Little Here. A Little There in the Atmosphere

The year was..1965(I was not born at that time) but there are many who were. Where are my Boomers at? To the Boomer, please tell the current 19 years old's; to enlighten them on, the dread of your teenage years and life then; compare to how easy they have it now. Most children today are not being taught your stories or anything for that matter. Inform them of your part with protecting Old Glory. Young people, old glory was/is the older name of the USA Flag.

Moreover, there was a song by Paul Hardcastle entitled "19" which is still an awesome song play here. The youth of today are quite different then the youth of the Boomer's day. More men and women had to go to war, because they were drafted, or they voluntary opted in. That's why the current draft is happening now in 2024. Many lives were lost on both sides. This song is a great reminder of what happen then and what will happen in the near future.

Thus said the Lord: For nations shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:7 KJV

I believe in informing people, so that you can make better decisions in life. Also, due to the fact no one is really telling the public, especially here in America.  As promised, here's Your.Girl.LG3 tiktok video "19"

Remember to be mindful. Start storing water, food canned goods; get your bug out bags ready and keep them close at hand or in your cars(if you have one). Look up on You Tube and other social media sites, on how to preserve food and grow food in the mean time. America is headed to a point of no return.

Only the King of King and Lord of Lords YAHSHUA HA MASHIC (in the Hebrew) aka JESUS CHRIST. Will protect you and yours in this hour. You must first; make him your Lord and Savior. Read Psalms 23 and Psalms 91 for how to pray, and for protection. As in the days of Noah(hence the blog's subtitle name). He will feed his children(worldwide), when the world goes though famine. Yes. Famine is coming to the USA and a country near you. So no matter where you are. Get right with Jesus Christ. The love of my life. 

Hope He's yours too!

Until next time,

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

Holy Scriptures: Psalms 23 KJV, Psalm 91 KJV, and Matthew 24:7 KJV

Photo Credit: 30th Anniversary of "19" Album cover by Paul Hardcastle

Please note: For those who are unaware; Every time you see RED letters here on this blog, and in some Holy Bibles, it means Jesus Christ is speaking.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17th = John 17 KJV

July 17, 2024 - -Somewhere East of the Sun,  I started out this blog post merely, by those referring to the emoji icon that's been getting an uptick on social media these days. Just a fyi, what this is, and how this emoji started; was a Apple thing. Back in 2002, Apple introduce "iCal", on this date, thus the creation of the emoji (shown above).  So later down the line, someone somewhere, then decided to celebrate all emojis this date, too! Known as World Emoji Day.

So what shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? 

Romans 8:31 KJV

I give you John 17. July 17th = John 17. Read the whole chapter. He died for YOU. Yes to the Believers and Non- Believers! Stop letting minions, of this world, put falsehoods inside you. We are coming up on a time where more and more people, will and have already; started acting strange, and seeing even stranger things(glad you caught the reference). CERN has admitted publicly, to opening up a portal they cannot close. 😒

We are in the latter times, human beings on planet earth! The veil, has clearly; gotten thinner. America and the rest of the world is under judgement(Thus said the Lord). Meaning, things are being seen as never before. As in the days of Noah(that's what I'm here for)! You, too! Check my video here.  Buckle up for safety with the words of our; King of King and Lord of Lords!  Learn Psalm 91 KJV ASAP!

Just remember to :

Put on the whole armour of God, 
that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 
Ephesians 6:11 KJV

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG!
Holy Bible Scriptures: Romans 8:31 KJV and  Ephesians 6:11 KJV

Photo Credit: Apple

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Coup d'état! The Coup. You Thought You Knew. America.


July 13, 2024
--Somewhere in Vegas! I actually wrote this blog post on July 3, 2024 and published on July 10, 2024  Disclaimer: This article is mutually exclusive for Americans both, born here; native and foreign Americans, who have been here for any given time period and still live here! 

Well. Well. Well. The Coup is in effect, and about 90% of Americans(both native/foreign) don't know it yet!

Coup d'état popularly known as. Plain old "coup" in America. So while you had some time to relax(or not) this weekend or maybe you had to work. The fix is in. And the White House is playing their hands, like the professional poker players they are; and is ready to win! As you have seen on every major media outlets, social media page, by now the shooting today, at former President Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania (see photo above). Condolences to the families, who's family member passed away, at the event and the others who were hurt, yes including former U.S. President Trump(regardless if you care for him or not). President Biden did send his condolences and safety for all involved as well.

"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:" Proverbs: 24:17( KVJ)

This is how your new "Commander in Chief" Vice President Kamala Harris will become the new POTUS. Facts! Not so, you say? Proves you haven't been reading this blog, or any others blogs, alternative news channels, or social media sites: who quite frankly, have been saying this for awhile now.  Since President Bush(senior, not junior) the powers that be, said there will be a N.W.O.  You can not say, you never hear of that, acronym before(unless your under the age of 18 of course), especially if you have lived or are currently living in the USA or worldwide really.

President Biden did state it would be a "cold winter", last year.  So far, it's been a cold summer of 2024. Ask the state of Wyoming, they know.

Nevertheless, refer to Prophet Celestial at:, or go to her You Tube video PT 1 "Incoming" A Prophecy of War" click here to go to her channel. I spoke of this on my last blog post. "How fitting...the last 4th of July before the Civil war."

So you still think, we will have an election in the fall 2024? And won't! You don't have to believe me, but I truly hope that you do! I'm not writing this blog, just for me. "Holding onto words that teach me, I will conquer space around me", my likes, follows and reads are Saved by Zero (hope that's making someone out there laugh). Please note: That last part was my two cents in the lyrics! Seriously, because my likes, reads, and follows are really Made by Zero, in which over the years, I've always sung the song that way! Click the lyrics by the Fixx for the nostalgia, because the Fix is in. 

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Matthew 11:15 KJV

I'll blog back soon again!

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

Holy Bible Scriptures: Proverbs 24:17 (KJV) and Matthew 11:15 KJV

Photo Credit: CNN

Links:, Music Video: You Tube

Monday, July 8, 2024

Crypto Browser Earn Bitcoin Now

July 8, 2024--Somewhere in LALA Land

Earn while you learn. Very simple. Download the app. Use Crypto Tab as your browser. Earn BTC. Yes. It's that easy.  Here is a screenshot of how you can keep abreast of your BTC. Look in the lower left hand corner of the (photo below), for an example on what you would see on your computer monitor and/or screen to see how it looks:

Just another way to earn passive income now and in the days to come. Watch the video to see if this type of passive income is for you!

"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it."
Proverbs 3:27 KJV 

Yah Bless.

Your Girl LG

Holy Bible Scripture: Proverbs 3:27 KJV Proverbs 3:27 KJV

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG

Friday, July 5, 2024

Get Wise. Now, then Later.

 July 5, 2024

Make your money border-less. Yes! Go on and take the money and run. If you can't run, just find a secret place in the Most High YAH! Here at G Force News, we would like to introduce money without borders. What does that mean exactly? Glad you asked. Take your currency for example, I am in America. We use the US dollar(USD) and I would like to keep it in my own reserves. To get paid, send or spend in another currency(i.e. EUROs, YENs, AUDs, etc.) and many more currencies to receive, send, or spend in another country's currency. It's Wise. To have, 160 countries. 40 currencies. To choose from. To be exact.😎 Now you can get paid for your work. No matter where you work. Where can you get that? Here!

Let's face it. The world is changing and the financials are re-arranging. There are BRICS, Coins and Tokens, "Oh My"; and let's be real; you hardly know any of it. Don't be shy. Or feel down. We are here to help you from, failing to the ground. It is for free. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Psalm 29:2 KJV.

GForce Financial and Tech Services is in righteousness and is sponsoring this. Allowing us, to give you, a free opportunity to open your own wise card. You have personal and business options. 

Also, on their website are tech and digital downloadable items for sale. Use code APTTMHY24 as a discount code(from G Force News Blog) when shopping at:; for the latest tech items and digital financial documents your future financial needs will be, here on the third rock from the sun🌍(Planet Earth). 

Furthermore, all monies are going to be kept in the cloud(i.e. Blockchain) in the near future; it is in motion now! So, now is the time to learn; how to keep what you have; in order to provide for yourselves, your family, or businesses, or someone else, without losing all your wealth! For comments, questions or concerns about getting a Wise card contact them here.

I will blog back soon.

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

UPDATE 7/8/2024: I came across this video, on tiktok from @drscott_young0. He posted this video; the same time, I posted this blog. Great minds think alike! Check out his video about the banks collapsing in the United States here.

Holy Bible:  Psalm 29:2 KJV

Photo Credit: GForce Financial and Tech Services

Thursday, July 4, 2024

How Fitting...The Last 4th of July. Before the Civil War of 2024

 July 4, 2024 --Somewhere Sipping Coffee in America❤

This is the day the which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Psalm 118:24 KJV

Most reading the title like yeah, right.  If you knew this was the last 4th of July before SHTF, here in America, would you celebrate it differently? Well, you should. Instead of buying fireworks, you need to be buying a one-way ticket, to St. Elsewhere (meaning out of the USA). Do you remember that tv show? Click here to refresh you memory, or never heard of it. Pray and seek YAH(GOD) FIRST(in where you should go)! Start saving now people. Next year won't even feel the way it does now.😒

Moving right along. Did you know, the first Independence Day celebration took place in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776? Philly stand up! This also, was the day that the Declaration of Independence was first read in the public, after the people heard it and was summoned by the ringing of the Liberty Bell. 

Nevertheless, enjoy this year to the fullest; because after the false flags, lies and more lies they will feed us on the propaganda new media here in America, this will take America into the 2024 Civil war. Click here, for the Prophet Celestial at goes into detail. Why so serious? You shouldn't be shocked. There is nothing new under the sun. This is truly how the 4th of July was created. Through the American Revolution War. Oh, that's right; they do not teach this, in the schools anymore. "They" purposely have been dumbing down America on purpose. Yes. They Live. To get you in the mood, watch Independence Day.   

It's the end of the world, as we know it!

Let the fireworks begin!

I will blog later.

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

Holy Scripture: Psalm 118:24 KJV

Photo Credit:

Link Credits:

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Natural Disaters Around The World and Especially in the USA Series

                      Photo: Courtesy Miami-Dade, Florida Fire Rescue

July 2, 2024-- Somewhere East of the Sun- 3 Min. Read

This is for all of Humankind(those who have a Holy Spirit and a Soul) that dwell on the earth, my friends. Glad some of you made it to the blog from the tik tok spot. If would help the algorithms, if you liked some of the videos, **"Golly" in my Gomer Pyle voice(How can you be so Heartless?). I would have linked that video, but we all know what side you know who took! So no.

 Anywho, here's the latest and greatest about the Stormy Weather, and the floods we are getting and are going to get hit with, the hardest storms here in America from; the east to the west, from the north to the south and the mid-west! Beginning like now, this year. 2024. Worldwide storms are raging! You all have seen many content creators posts on many social media, especially on TikTok. The Most High is not playing with NONE of US. That means: Me and You, your Mama, and your Cousins, too! Let's talk, seriously, Bro(Boomers, Gen Z'ers, just trying to keep the Xers and Alphas engaged)!

Regardless, if your a Believer of King YAHSHUA, the Christ(let's hope that you are) or even a Non-Believer. The HIT is in. AMERICA is under Judgement and only a very few can see it. Even his very elect is scratching their heads; wondering is this climate change? Or a 12,000 cycle? As some are saying on social media. And it Ain't! YAH is going to be testing all of US! Don't give up it's only a test were going though(more closer to a Purge)! Check out, Daughter of Zion, Prophet Celestial video on

Copy paste into your browser if the link is broke.

King Yahshua(aka Jesus Christ) said: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.  Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect". Matthew 24:22-24 KJV

Even most of the elect cannot see as well, due to the demonic churches they been attending for so long! The Most High YAH has and will reveal more. Stay in tuned with, Prophet Celestial who has made plenty of videos(506 to date; as dated of this blog post and clearly said with more to come). About this and everything else you need to get right before Christ comes! Click here for the prophecy of the waters that are flooding everywhere. 

Yeah, no. I heard that. It's not H.A.R.R.P.. Click here. either!


Until then, Repent, Pray and Fast.

Your Girl LG


Holy Bible Scriptures:  Matthew 24:22-24 King James Version (KJV)

Audio Credit: Golly --                                                  Must click on the word Golly! Then push play symbol to hear it(old school style)😀. 

Links: Google's Blogspot:, Sound Board, NRP( and You Tube Music,

Photo Credit:  Courtesy Miami-Dade, Florida Fire Rescue

**"Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C," is known for his endearing and often humorous sayings. With his iconic catchphrase, "Golly!"