Showing posts with label Lord of Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord of Lord. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Natural Disaters Around The World and Especially in the USA Series

                      Photo: Courtesy Miami-Dade, Florida Fire Rescue

July 2, 2024-- Somewhere East of the Sun- 3 Min. Read

This is for all of Humankind(those who have a Holy Spirit and a Soul) that dwell on the earth, my friends. Glad some of you made it to the blog from the tik tok spot. If would help the algorithms, if you liked some of the videos, **"Golly" in my Gomer Pyle voice(How can you be so Heartless?). I would have linked that video, but we all know what side you know who took! So no.

 Anywho, here's the latest and greatest about the Stormy Weather, and the floods we are getting and are going to get hit with, the hardest storms here in America from; the east to the west, from the north to the south and the mid-west! Beginning like now, this year. 2024. Worldwide storms are raging! You all have seen many content creators posts on many social media, especially on TikTok. The Most High is not playing with NONE of US. That means: Me and You, your Mama, and your Cousins, too! Let's talk, seriously, Bro(Boomers, Gen Z'ers, just trying to keep the Xers and Alphas engaged)!

Regardless, if your a Believer of King YAHSHUA, the Christ(let's hope that you are) or even a Non-Believer. The HIT is in. AMERICA is under Judgement and only a very few can see it. Even his very elect is scratching their heads; wondering is this climate change? Or a 12,000 cycle? As some are saying on social media. And it Ain't! YAH is going to be testing all of US! Don't give up it's only a test were going though(more closer to a Purge)! Check out, Daughter of Zion, Prophet Celestial video on

Copy paste into your browser if the link is broke.

King Yahshua(aka Jesus Christ) said: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.  Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect". Matthew 24:22-24 KJV

Even most of the elect cannot see as well, due to the demonic churches they been attending for so long! The Most High YAH has and will reveal more. Stay in tuned with, Prophet Celestial who has made plenty of videos(506 to date; as dated of this blog post and clearly said with more to come). About this and everything else you need to get right before Christ comes! Click here for the prophecy of the waters that are flooding everywhere. 

Yeah, no. I heard that. It's not H.A.R.R.P.. Click here. either!


Until then, Repent, Pray and Fast.

Your Girl LG


Holy Bible Scriptures:  Matthew 24:22-24 King James Version (KJV)

Audio Credit: Golly --                                                  Must click on the word Golly! Then push play symbol to hear it(old school style)😀. 

Links: Google's Blogspot:, Sound Board, NRP( and You Tube Music,

Photo Credit:  Courtesy Miami-Dade, Florida Fire Rescue

**"Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C," is known for his endearing and often humorous sayings. With his iconic catchphrase, "Golly!"