Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Coup d'état! The Coup. You Thought You Knew. America.


July 13, 2024
--Somewhere in Vegas! I actually wrote this blog post on July 3, 2024 and published on July 10, 2024  Disclaimer: This article is mutually exclusive for Americans both, born here; native and foreign Americans, who have been here for any given time period and still live here! 

Well. Well. Well. The Coup is in effect, and about 90% of Americans(both native/foreign) don't know it yet!

Coup d'état popularly known as. Plain old "coup" in America. So while you had some time to relax(or not) this weekend or maybe you had to work. The fix is in. And the White House is playing their hands, like the professional poker players they are; and is ready to win! As you have seen on every major media outlets, social media page, by now the shooting today, at former President Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania (see photo above). Condolences to the families, who's family member passed away, at the event and the others who were hurt, yes including former U.S. President Trump(regardless if you care for him or not). President Biden did send his condolences and safety for all involved as well.

"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:" Proverbs: 24:17( KVJ)

This is how your new "Commander in Chief" Vice President Kamala Harris will become the new POTUS. Facts! Not so, you say? Proves you haven't been reading this blog, or any others blogs, alternative news channels, or social media sites: who quite frankly, have been saying this for awhile now.  Since President Bush(senior, not junior) the powers that be, said there will be a N.W.O.  You can not say, you never hear of that, acronym before(unless your under the age of 18 of course), especially if you have lived or are currently living in the USA or worldwide really.

President Biden did state it would be a "cold winter", last year.  So far, it's been a cold summer of 2024. Ask the state of Wyoming, they know.

Nevertheless, refer to Prophet Celestial at:, or go to her You Tube video PT 1 "Incoming" A Prophecy of War" click here to go to her channel. I spoke of this on my last blog post. "How fitting...the last 4th of July before the Civil war."

So you still think, we will have an election in the fall 2024? And won't! You don't have to believe me, but I truly hope that you do! I'm not writing this blog, just for me. "Holding onto words that teach me, I will conquer space around me", my likes, follows and reads are Saved by Zero (hope that's making someone out there laugh). Please note: That last part was my two cents in the lyrics! Seriously, because my likes, reads, and follows are really Made by Zero, in which over the years, I've always sung the song that way! Click the lyrics by the Fixx for the nostalgia, because the Fix is in. 

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Matthew 11:15 KJV

I'll blog back soon again!

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

Holy Bible Scriptures: Proverbs 24:17 (KJV) and Matthew 11:15 KJV

Photo Credit: CNN

Links:, Music Video: You Tube