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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Duck, Duck, Goose


Somewhere In Hiring Now Land - Thursday, January 23, 2025 The title of this blog was a fun childish game we used to play back in the day. It starts off by players sitting down in a circle(like a company meeting), fast forward it ends when the goose becomes “it” for the next round. The person in the middle can't leave until another person is tagged and they are replaced. Like being fired and not know it, until it happens. And now your former job says we're still hiring(being replaced). What a way to start this blog post. Just like the start of this Gregorian new year of 2025, it's doing the most.

It's never any fun to lose your job. And I'm not making light of that. I'm speaking from experience. I've been going through this since March 2020, bought to you by, those "Ouchies" by Facci!  There but for the grace of God. Thank goodness for owning my own business since 2011; all the while, maintaining a full-time job; added with a side hustle or two. Jamaican style(and no I'm not Jamaican, but I do love some beef patties).

Welcome to the new future of work.  The event that took place at Stripe(two days ago)when they just laid-off 300 of their employees; via email with a duck photo attached for its US Non-California staff, is what prompted me, to blog about this.  Apparently, they were supposed to get laid-off today(Wednesday), but it was sent, on January 20, 2025, MLK day and Inauguration day. On a National Holiday. A duck. 300 employees received a photo of a duck, attached to their termination. 

This is how most companies really think of you.  Now I understand from a business point where, dollars must be cut. But there is a professional way of going about it.  You have been forewarn, previously and now, here, how 2025 is going to be a real Debbie downer for some(no disrespect to all the Debbies out there) and a real hum dinger for some of us, my dear. "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine: I will repay saith the Lord." Romans 12:19 KJV

We still have eight days left(at the time of this blog post) of January 2025. I been telling family, friends, x-co-workers and anybody else, who has an ear to hear. Work as much as OT as you can, while you can. I came across a social media post, of a young women describing how, she was offered an position with the IRS in December 2024, to begin, this month(January 2025). She just received a rescinding letter. President Trump on Monday, included a freeze on hiring federal workers except for jobs related to immigration enforcement, national security and public safety. Click here for the last 90 days of layoffs that has occurred in America. 

Today, in Montreal, Canada, Amazon just fired 1,950 workers and are closing all the facilities there, click here for the full details. Work layoffs will be massive this year. Take on a another job if you can. Even In India(yes the country) is writing about the layoffs here in America, this year. Also, click here for the India's Economic Times', news article.  The most importance part is; to stay close to God(take Him as your Lord and Savior if you haven't by now) pray and keep the words of the Lord near and dear, mostly have no fear. Make sure your saving for those rain days and stocking up, everyday. Buckle Up Buttercups.™

I'll blog back later.

Your Girl LG

Holy Scriptures: Romans 12:19 KJV

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG and The National for Amazon photo.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Great Failing Away Is Underway

In the Heart of Texas - January 21, 2025 The great failing away is underway and has been really for awhile now. A while being, since the year of 2015, but for me, it hit the hardest, in 2020. First and foremost this is for the church, the 'believers' of the King of kings and Lords of lords. Don't just click off yet; non-believers, atheists and all others.  There's always something in my blog posts for everyone, no matter who's side your on. Back to the believers.  Don't trade your seat at the bride's wedding supper for another. This also, goes for those of you, who hasn't made their minds up yet. You would be consider lukewarm. Repent now! "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16

Most believers have been taught; the words of the Lord Christ Jesus, and have been believing on God for everything all their lives. Maybe 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or more years, but now you have lost your salt. You look and act just like the world. You cuss like a trucker at home, at work and everywhere else, but get all holy on Sunday, in a fake, phony, and false church. I said it. The ones I am referring to, are those who commonly says: 'Jesus knows my heart', then immediately goes to lighting one up. 

Another way, the so-called believers sides with non-believers, everyday; is when you go against the bible scriptures. It says to keep thy foot from evil. Your right in the middle of them. Your smoking, drinking(as in purposely to get drunk), not just to have a drink or two. Birds of a feather flock together. Moderation in everything is what true believers always do. Your not disciplining your children, when your out and about(or at home).  You get mad at everybody for everything. You co-sign with sinners daily by: saying things like "We are all humans, everybody makes mistakes, we understand, we do not judge, etc., etc." All without repentance. This! I can go on, but I won't.  

The great failing away is definitely underway. There will be more Christians going to hell.  Deception comes with pain. "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV 

Most Pastors we grew up with, are now being found guilty of committing sexual assaults', pedophiles, stealing of church funds, some are homosexuals, but  portraying themselves as heterosexural. TD Jakes, Tony Evans, Robert Morris are trending and more are to come. A holy judgement cleansing is taking place, what a beautiful world this be by the Holy of Holy's only. HALLALUYAH!

Your now seeing the greatest healthcare innovations(i.e. bio-healing, medi-beds), for all. This is definitely aliens type(beast system) technology. I just researched this, for this blog post and look what I found; a biohealer, for only a low cost of, Eleven Thousand dollars and no cents($11,000.00 USD). I can't make this up(well yeah I can, but won't). And yes of course, Sister Celestial has a blog post about this, click here. Soon there will be new body parts for those who are paraplegic and everybody. Just like any lie we've been told. This technology will be sold! Be like Nancy Regan and just say NO. I'm really sick of saying, "I told you so". Don't do it. 

Anything you add onto your temple(your human body), will denied your entrance into Heaven.  I am here to grab some of the last grapes, left hanging on the vines, who haven't yet made up their minds. Repent now. For a limited time only. "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith.  Romans 1:17 KJV 

So have faith, that's it's not too late, to repent and become new again. "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." Revelation 21:5 KJV


I'll blog back later. 

Your Girl LG

Holy Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV, Romans 1:17 KJV and Revelation 21:5 KJV

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG

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