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Showing posts with label the masters voice prophecy blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the masters voice prophecy blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Burn Hollywood Burn


UPDATED: January 11, 2025 @10:14 am(PT) - The sign survived.

 Hooray for Hollywood.

West of the Moon - January 8, 2025 My, my my, how times flies, when tomorrow becomes today. Fires are set and is burning the Palisades. In LA, life remains the same, so what shall I say? I told you so? No. These things just happen? No. We are living in the latter times, the holy bible tells us so. And the powers that be, want to start their N.W.O., so yes, there you go. Oh America, now can you see? Red flag #3. I'm in a rhyming mood, so let me be. By no means, don't you think, I am happy about this, I am not. These are simply my thoughts. After you finish reading this blog post, go over to 2025: When The Wheels Falls Off Celestial's latest; end time prophecy video post. Spoken perfectly. America will soon be burning from sea to sea.

This was foretold by Ally Carter. She was spot on. She said they would be burning the Palisades down, due to "them" harming the children. Also, side note this original blog post was entitled; 'Burn Baby Burn', I found this content creator's photo of the hollywood sign burning after, so then I re-posted; it works either way. Plus, Burn Hollywood Burn was a poignant rap song. 

Moving on, how convenient, there is no water available in the county of Los Angeles for the fires; so the areas will just have to burn out. One of the main reasons, I decided to study at an east coast university verses a west coast university; is due to this type of ill-logical thinking of some there(look at the guy in the corner of the top photo on his cellphone). But now, I realize clowns are everywhere🤡(digressing now).

The entire state of California sits on the pacific ocean(yes salt-water can be used, not ideal, but could have saved many homes and properties), and for the last twenty to thirty years nothing has been developed to change that? Fun fact: California draws water from the Colorado River(along with six other states and now Mexico). Hola.  

The availability of water being allowed per resident, in the burning areas, is only 38 gallons per home. Incoming President Trump, just spoke of this, while cracking on Governor Newsom. Multi-million dollar homes, just burnt to a crisp. Want to know where the water, of the Colorado river goes? Look below. That's right. California draws the most. Click on photo to enlarge.

This is man's, hybrids, dark-side folks doings. This isn't from the Most High. Here's why, these fires were orchestrated(i.e. reg flag), the King of King gave it, the green-light, but He didn't do it. Glory Be To YAH. Remember America, when you/we are under judgement, the Most High removes His protection. Read the book of Job and what the devil did to him; "In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly." 1 Job 22 KJV 

So the fire supposedly just started on a hill. No people. Even if, someone was smoking and dis-guarded their cigarette on that hill; a fire that big would have not; emasculated that fast, even with the heavy Santa Ana winds. Then the fires, were spread out in the same county separately. They been burning down California, Texas, Ohio on purpose for a few years now. Maui, Hawaii knows what I'm referring to. 

It's easier to build their smart cities and raise rates this way; so consumers will have to pay higher prices on everyday things. It's obviously, they want or need these areas that are burning. Fires just don't jump. Keep calm and carry on. The 2025 year is starting to be a disappointing and long one(if your not right with Jesus Christ, that is). If by chance, we have been a righteous United States(but this isn't the case), YAH(God) would had easily, provided, rain from his treasure chest to make the fires go away:  

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39 KJV

Prayer Warriors pray that the people of California, be wise, repent and leave. I know that's hard to do, California. There's no place like home. It's a wonderful state, but your overdue on that San Andreas earthquake.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 KJV

As much as I don't want anymore Californians in the state, in which I live. I love, not hate. So, please, please evacuate. That's another blog post, for another time. I guess Californians are serious, about trying to live and die in LA(for those who are going to stay). Pun intended. Okay, as I learn. Here's a song for you guys, Burn, Baby Burn.


I'll blog back later.

Your Girl LG

Holy Scriptures: 1 Job 22 KJV, Mark 4:39 KJV and Revelation 18:4 KJV

Photo Credits: Update Hollywood sign, form a content creator who posted on January 11, 2025, Content creator (Tiktonk TV) for the Hollywood sign photo, the updated photo of the hollywood sign, from a content creator, I will not link, I do not want their video removed, NBC Los Angeles for the Santa Monica Pier and Southern Nevada Water Authority for Where the Water goes.

Links Used: 2025:When The Wheels Falls Off, and You Tube Music and

Monday, November 4, 2024

From Prophet John The Revelator to Sweater Weather


Nice and Warm, Amongst Many Storms - November 4, 2024 So glad this day is today, so that the general public conversation can be on something other then the election. But wait, there will be more. Conversations on this. Most blue states Governors has activated the National Guard to post up at polls. Yes. You heard it right. So be careful out there people.    

So far, within the last four (4) weeks; it's time for Sweater Weather (I was today years old, when I found out this is actually a song)👈. The following places on planet earth has had severe weather: Valencia, Spain, now Barcelona, Spain (at the writing of this blog post)click here for BBC's news report; Philippines, Acapulco, Mexico, Tampa, FL Asherville, NC. Then there's the erupting of Popocatepeti volcanic ash and gas affecting the locals in that area. Earthquakes from California, to Nevada and Montana, too. Many saying H.A.R.R.P., Climate change, 12,000 cycle, blah, blah, blah. Click here for Sister Celestial's video on "Breaking Waters As Birth Pains, Thus Says The Lord".

Some, not all viewers in the comment sections; still want to go back and forth, and play keyboard gangsters and gangster girlies, about me quoting: "All these are the beginning of sorrows" Matthew 24:8 KJV, under most content creators' severe weather posts, on Tik Tok! Not all of you. Just the few here and there, that want me to go back, back and forth and forth, with them(the older music was just better). And will NOT. I am in great company knowing, what happen to the Lord YAH and his Prophets; in the ancient days(and today, too) was mocked and talked about  alot. I am encouraged by the words of YAH from the book of John 15:18 KJV, that says:

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

Prophet John the Revelator, wrote the words of LORD YAH: "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 17These things I command you, that ye love one another." John 15:15-17 KJV

Nonetheless, continuing about the weather. I know it can and will be frustrating, with recovering help worldwide. Man-power will be scarce. I'm by no means, am brown-nosing here to the authorities.  Common sense(in a world where common sense is no longer common) is going to be needed. Just as the scripture John 15:17 said "...that ye love one another." So you know. You can't just start, working on clearing an area, that's has been hit, right? You have to first see, who is missing.  You have to survey the areas, before anything is moved, cleaned, replaced, etc.. I know the people of Valencia, Spain are beyond frustrated (as they should be)with the conditions they are in; but at least your King Felipe VI, took a moment of silence and came to see for himself with the First Lady. Some people of Valencia threw mud at him and the First Lady.😖 Shame same is Spain's game. Click photo for full story.

In October 2024, what happen here in America, when Hurricane Helen touched down in the United States, of Asheville, North Carolina; primarily and the surrounding areas that was hit; didn't get that acknowledgement at all!  A seven-hundred and fifty dollars and no cents($750) voucher hand out was given(little is better then nothing) was said to be available; by the current Vice President and upcoming Madame President Kamala Harris. Now tell me how, are they to apply for such; with no internet, cell phone connection, to make calls with? How about that? 

Great news, is that the Quakers of Pennsylvania are building houses, for those who lost their, homes, and are delivering them for free. Certain individuals are helping out, but are being blocked(reports are everywhere by content creators) on different social media sites. Even Elon Musk was trying to install some of his Starlink devices, so the people of the area could have communications; and he too, was blocked(in certain areas). So, what does that tell you people all over the world? In my Soul Train voice.

Have you asked Lord YAH what you need? Have you REPENTED to Him? So Our Lord and Savior, can protect you from the rain and the floods? That would be a hard no, I guess. There will be more floods to come, dearly beloved, because were are in the last days. So run back to our Father, ABBA, through our Lord Creator, the King of kings and Lords of lords, YAHSHUA  HAMASHIC, aka JESUS CHRIST. Praise Ye The Lord! Keep the full armor of YAH on, because the real drama hasn't even started yet.




I'll blog later.

Daughter of Zion,

Your Girl LG

Holy Scriptures: John 15; 15-18 KJV and Matthew 24:8 KJV

Photo Credits: and Religious Artwork on Esty for the Prophet John The Revelator and

Links: Tik Tok video, You Tube Sister Celestial's video on "Breaking Waters As Birth Pains, Thus Says The Lord"

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Eleven Years Later...I'm Back! Glory Be to YAH!

Do you know how long I have tried to log into this account? No. No. You don't. But The Most High does and he is now, allowing me, once again; to, begin to..."Shout, shout, let it all out, these are the things we can do with out, come on now, I'm talking to YOU! Where are my Gen Xers at!? For those Boomers, Gen Z and Alphas out there, that was and is still; one of the many theme songs of Gen Z's, by Tears for Fears,(click here to hear) we had growing up in the Eighties. Plus, I been blogging this style, for a while, it helps keeps my writing flow going. Also, in the event I lose this logging information again, please reference my other blog I created recently: Thank you.

Nonetheless, APTTMHY! This is a common acronym, you will see on social media today. It stands for All Praises To The Most High YAH! All are welcome here! To the Hebrews and the Gentiles; To the Believers and the Non-Believers! This message is for all, a message that America has Fallen! The Great Mystery Babylon is the United States of America! The evil ones who does, Satan bidding in the earth; has been warning us over the years though Hollywood images, media, movies, and songs. I will be updating this blog article with a Tik Tok video on what movies to watch; to get your mind ready and read the Holy Bible to get your mind right in these latter days! Burn Hollywood burn! Disclosure: This is a secular song and the uncut version; Ice Cube cusses on his rhymes verses.

Yes. We are the blessed generation who will live to see the coming of our Messiah! That is, if your smart and follow, his laws, statues, and commandments words of the Most High Yah! It's exciting, frighten, riveting and bananas all at the same time! I wouldn't want to be anywhere, else but here, to hear the sounds of the triumph horns calling us to come out of here. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 KJV 

Please note: Mutually exclusive of Americans(that means Foreigners who came to America to live, too), and are currently living in the corporation of the United States. Should be preparing right now to leave, or leaving sometime within 2024-2026 time frame. I am not fear mongering. Pray on everything. Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; protect me from those who rise up against me; Psalm 59:1 ESV

I will blog later about relocating/ex-pat ideas(sooner then later). In the meantime, make sure your passports are valid and everyone in your household has one; that means all your children, too!  Start to apply now if you don't have one. As of June 28, 2024 here are the processing times for U.S. passports:

Current Processing Times (applied on or after December 18, 2023)


6 to 8 weeks


2 to 3 weeks


Must make an appointment and have international travel within 14 calendar days

Click here to start. I am here. You are here too, if your reading this blog. The main purpose of this blog for me is to Praise the Most High YAH; in all his glory, fight the good fight; and fight to win back souls for the Kingdom! From all the lies we were told and sold! You are loved! Come back from the brink of no return, before it "All Falls Down"; song by Five Starr(UK, Stand up!) I take secular songs and dedicated them to the King of Kings, Lords of Lord, YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH. Selah.

As I decrease, he Increases. Praise YAH for giving us an end time Prophet name Celestial. Go to the Most High YAH Prophets'; Celestial is her name and speaking the Master's Voice is her game! Prophet Celestial has many sites this is her blog at One of the many prophecies has come to fruition, this is the latest one: "KENYA: A PROPHECY FULFILLED & IN MOTION" (ECONOMIC INSTABILITY, FAMINE, DROUGHT & BEAST SYSTEM). Click here. If the link fails, copy paste this:  So, remember to follow her and support her channel. Our King Yahshua is raising up a new Church, that don't hurt, it's congregation though lies and demonic Enns admiration's! Glory Be To YAH!

Thank you King YAHSHUA! For motivating and allowing me again, to do and finish the works you have commended! HALLELUYAH!

Stay tuned. I'll blog back soon!

YAH Bless!

Holy Bible Scriptures: Psalm 59:1 ESV Revelation 18:4 KJV

Links From: Google's Blogger,, and You Tube Music.

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG3