Showing posts with label reuters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reuters. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Good Friday and Happy Passover!

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Forgive me, my brothers and sisters in Christ, for not wishing you a Good Friday on Friday, April 13, 2012. For those of you, who I did wish, a Good Friday to, on my blog dated April 6, 2012; was for those who were raised in the Roman Catholics and Protestants faiths, which are based on the Gregorian calendar.
This is for my Eastern Orthodox churches and peoples which follow the Julian calendar, which marks this as the real Holy week. You might ask which calendar do I go by? Or, which one you should go by. I was raised in the Catholic faith, although I am a Hebrew, I live in America(for now), so that’s where my confusion began, but is no more, Glory be to Yah! The word of the Yah came unto Hoea; as Yahshua has taught, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy Yah, I will also forget thy children".
Yah gives us free will. In my heart, I know that the Julian calendar is the correct one. Once upon a time, America and Great Britain used the Julian calendar. I have made both the Gregorian and Julian words links so you may do your own due diligence.
Happy Birthday to Mr. Max McLean, who speaks the words of the Holy Bible like a Prophet! Check him out!

Your Girl LG
Holy Scriptures: Hosea 1, Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
Photo Credit:The Canadian Press, Amir Cohen for Reuters

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We Must Hold All Leaders Accountable for their Actions!

Thank you very much Pat Buchanan and Doug Lamborn for showing us and telling us how you really feel about the President of United States of America. Too bad, it was reported on our President's 50th Birthday. Just 24 hour later after hearing about the first "tar baby" comments made by 5th District, of Colorado, Doug Lamborn. I know some of you out there, are scratching your heads asking to yourself, why would you be thanking these two?  Well, first of all it's just the ammunition I needed to motivate myself to start campaigning again, for the 2012 re-election of our President Barrack Obama and exposing the real intentions of the Tea Party. For those of you who missed it(yet another serious violation by the mass media, for under reporting this atrocity).

Here is the video provided by 

I was a volunteer with Campaign for Change in 2008 and will be volunteering on the 2012 movement as well. It brings me great disappointment and disgust with regards to these comments made by Buchanan and Lamborn, but I flip the negative into positive in all situations. So they just gave me more to fuel my fiery passion with, and to stand up and fight for what's right. For all people, here in America as well as around the world!

I'll used this timely quote, "You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality". How awesome that the late great Malcom X spoke on the wrongs doings of our leaders here in America, and didn't need to mention race or bad name the wrong doer when speaking(Disclaimer: Well in some, cases X did, he didn't turn the other cheek!) If we don't know our past, we are doomed to repeat it. We the people need to start fighting against our leaders, who are doing wrong. The majority of Americans are too busy complaining about being unemployed and lack of this of that, which is the direct result of voting(or not voting) the bad leaders into these positions in the first place. That's why it is imperative to vote for the best candidate available and to voice your opinions to your local Congressman/woman, Senators and the like. We must fight! It is our right!

Jesus said "So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth". Rev. 3:16 (NKJV) So will you be lukewarm, or hot, or cold, towards the blatant comments made towards the our President of the United States of America?

Furthermore, did everybody forget already what Prime Minister Vladimir Putin referred us to?  "Like a Parasites" on the global economy. This is a direct result of all the quibbling going on in the house with the newly elect tea party members. Reuters has the full report click here.

"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them"- Maya Angelou

When there is dissension in your house (i.e. Congress, and the House, your house as well, America).  We all look bad. United we Stand, Divide we Fall.

Your Girl LG

Photo/Video Credits: via
Parasites story Links: By Maria Tsvetkova for Reuters