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Monday, April 23, 2012

Yes, Yes Ya', Ron Paul 2012 Ya'?

DNC 2008
I stand with Joe as in, I don’t know, who I will be voting for, in this up and coming 2012 election!  As in Senator Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, (in photo) I know, I know, your like, isn’t your blog, about the 44th President(partly)? Didn’t you support the campaign for “Change” and didn’t you just help open an office in Henderson, NV, in November 2011 for the 44th President?  And, didn’t you say, four more, for the 44th President on a blog back? The answer to all of your questions, are “Yes, I did.” Like I said, I have not and I am not endorsing ANY candidate at the time of this blog. The title of the article I read at talkingpoints, lead me to blog this. No where did Joe say he won’t, Joe just said “I’m just waiting for this to play out”, end quote.  I feel you Joe, I feel you!
Also know this, we as citizens of the Untied States of America, need to make a wise and informed decision in this matter.  America, needs to vote based on the facts not on, the color of ones skin, but based on the content of character, that Dr. Martin Luther King spoke about. Not about how well one speaks, but how well one can actually, make the “Changes” that he promised. Granted, the 44th President has been battling this one on this, and that one on this, I am not saying he has not been fighting everyone on everything, clearly, that has been the case! I personally, do not like when some, in the mass media refers to him only as Obama, and not President Obama. What I do not like is, that he did sign four months ago the NDAA act, martial law for AMERICANS CITIZENS!!! Please click the link for more information. Due your due diligences.
May, I offer you this link and this one researched for yourself, what a candidate by the name of Ron Paul, has done and is doing. Yes, I said. Ron Paul. The mass media has totally dogged him and for what? As if, he won’t be on the ballot this November 2012. Ron Paul has stated in many of the debates, that he wants to shut down the Federal Reserve! Now, that’s the kind of “Change” I voted for back in 2008. I love an underdog, but more then that, why has the media been ignoring his every growing support among all people?

I'll blog back.

Your Girl LG

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG (LG and Senator Joe Manchin, West VA in happier times), at The Historic DNC, Denver, CO August 2008.
Ron Paul Photo, from