Somewhere Over The Rainbow - January 2, 2025 I'll
be saying Happy New Year for the next three (3) months, on the Gregorian (Roman)calendar. Due to America and the whole wide world, just finished celebrating New Year's on January 1, 2025(that's one). Then, the Chinese
New Year, which is on January 29, 2025, Year of the Snake🐍; how fitting (that's two). The third will be, the only one that really matters; The LORD's PASSOVER. Click here for the Biblical Feast days of 2025. The Passover which is Mid-March to April 2025, but the Gregorian calendar calls it April "fools" day April 1, 2025(it starts in the evening, on March 31, 2025).
Prayer Warriors, where you at(WYA)? Now hiring. Pray Warriors. Apply on bend-ed knees, women cover your heads, to the Most High. Here's why. Let's face it. This world is being torn apart, because of the lack of prayers and worship of Jesus Christ worldwide. 🛐 America(if you don't know by now), is under judgement. So pray for yourselves, your love ones and intercede for everyone else. I bring a bit a good news. Ismael, (i.e. Muslims) are coming back into the fold(home), by taking Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. HALLELUYAH! Yes, the Kingdom of YAH, contains all nationalities.
Prayer Warriors, where you at(WYA)? Now hiring. Pray Warriors. Apply on bend-ed knees, women cover your heads, to the Most High. Here's why. Let's face it. This world is being torn apart, because of the lack of prayers and worship of Jesus Christ worldwide. 🛐 America(if you don't know by now), is under judgement. So pray for yourselves, your love ones and intercede for everyone else. I bring a bit a good news. Ismael, (i.e. Muslims) are coming back into the fold(home), by taking Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. HALLELUYAH! Yes, the Kingdom of YAH, contains all nationalities.
Meanwhile, back at the home front, unfortunately, America is falling(meaning YAH's protection is about to be removed). Biden's administration has pardoned thousands of his own administration. Eight Thousand and forty-nine so far(8,049), I think he broke the record, of any President of America, in regards to giving pardons while being POTUS. Wiki Leaks definition of pardon - "A pardon is
an executive order granting clemency for a conviction. It may be granted 'at any time' after the commission of the crime." That's why I'm calling on, all Prayer Warriors! Let us pray to our Lord God, Creator of all, for at least, a little more time; before Hasatan really goes off, because he is revving up his engines.
Now I beseech
you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the
Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me;
That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judaea; and
that my service which I have for Jerusalem may be accepted of the
saints; Romans 15:30-31 KJV
If you have read any of my blog posts, you should now by now; I am particular with the King James Version(KJV) of the Holy Scriptures(please use the version(s) your more adapt to). Nonetheless, I had to use the English Standard Version(ESV) for this next verse:
And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Matthew 24:22 ESV
NO HUMAN BEING would be saved. Did I say that loud enough? Alrighty, then. No hybrids, no reptilians, none of Hasatan's minions. Just for His elects. Hasatan(i.e. Satan, aka the Devil) knows his time is short. Please note: To all of 100% Human Beings, Hasatan's Minions(aka aliens, demons and friends), they are really👉 Fine. No really. So Fine. So fine, they will blow your mind. The hybrids who will appear as Men and Women(even though they are NOT HUMANS, they are ancient beings). No, seriously, so if you don't get and stay prayed up, your going to get messed up by them(they eat Humans like snacks). Watch Stephen King, "The Mist". Also, those things in the skies, are one of the reasons why, you need to keep the full armor of YAH on. If you have any insecurities, or not confident in yourselves. You need to start studying the Bible. Click here for protection prayers. You can buy one here(I get no credit for this, well in Heaven I do).🙏 HALLELUYAH!
Our bodies(human bodies) are YAH's Temples. And Hasatan and his homies want in. That means, YOU. They want to sup within You! We have 17 days(at the writing of this blog post) before the Inauguration of the 47th President of the United States(should be the 48th President, but the US government lies so much that, they can't even remember), ain't that America. Buckle up Buttercups! We will see some of the most craziness of all times.
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21
This year has already started off with more bangs(red flags). How do we combat the wiles of the devil and his minions? Only with the full armor of God. It's like facing a
bully. Who loves to bully. Who merely bullies, for the sake of it times 3,000! More commonly known as 'narcissists' and they come in many versions. On top of that, more companies will start to close, layoff people; people will have to move in with one another and financial collapse is coming. I suggest you take any and all available overtime you can and that your company offers. Keep or get, that second job and ride it out until, the reset occurs. You
have seen, the personal accounts, of those striking with Amazon; the employees
of big retail chains, such as Big Lots and Party City losing there jobs.
Moreover, you know there going to shut it down again. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or crazy. I walk in His Truth, for those who don't understand me, stop being lazy! And get some understanding about the hour we are in. A Daughter of Zion, who has been warning and writing about things like this, since 2008; because my YAH(GOD) is great. Always remember, Google has a neat feature, with their translations. On the column to your right, click on the second option, so you can find your language and follow along with this blog in your native tongue.
It's starting off the way, Prophetess Celestial said it would be a year ago. Click here for 2025: "The Descent Into Madness, A Year When The Wheels Fall Off" it's a shorter video(43 minutes). I'm rounding up. I recent added a pray page, click here . So if your new to the bible and don't know how to pray for yourself. It's high time that you start. Now, I know its sounds all Debbie downer bad, (well it is) but isn't for those of us who love the Lord. So Keep Calm and Pray on.
I'll blog back later.
Your Girl LG
Holy Scriptures: Romans 15:30-31 KJV, Matthew 24:21, Matthew 24:22 ESV
Photo Credits: Your Girl LG