Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, October 23, 2011

U.S. Troops Are Coming Home!

Sing it with me “l’ll be home for Christmas…”, but it won’t only be in your dreams!" The U.S. troops stationed in Iraq for the past nine years, will be home for the holidays! This is the “Change” I voted for, and I’ll take four(4) more, please (years)! NOTE: THE MIS-EDUCATION OF YOUR GIRL LG AT THE TIME OF THIS ARTICLE.  FORGIVE ME PEOPLE. Thanks, Mr. President for (lying), I mean keeping your campaign promises!  There will be 150-200 troops left to protect the US Embassy there in Iraq.
This comes, about as an impasse with Iraq for not providing protection of 40,000 of our service men and women was the main reason, why they are coming home for the holidays. How fitting, the day after Gadhafi passed. I know I spoke of his tyrannt ways a day or two ago, on my previous blog article. People of Libya, give his body back to his family, so that he can be buried!
Yah doesn’t like ugly and neither do I. That's how sweet my Yahshua is. We are taught to love our enemies, too!
Yah Bless.

Until I blog at you again.


Your Girl LG

Photo Credit: KimJae-Hwan/AFP.jpg