In The SW, For Now - February 27, 2025 This is a continuation, or a series of sorts, from the 'Want to get away' blog post. Click here. I'm going to start off with some important legal deadlines mostly in the US/UK who are not paying too much attention to! Also, the reason for the blog post is mainly for those living in North America(i.e. Canadians, Mexicans and Americans). Other nationalities will included those native to the Caribbean Islands and Africans, who have their permanent nationality status in the United States(meaning documented). I have a bit of information as well, for those living in the United Kingdom (UK).
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4 KJV
Please note: Every countries has their own rules and regulations, so do your due diligent. You will find many links contained within this post regarding dual citizenship. This statement is mutually exclusive to the citizens of the United States(and those with permanent nationality status): U.S. law does not require a U.S. citizen to choose between U.S. citizenship and another (foreign) nationality (or nationalities). A U.S. citizen may naturalize in a foreign state without any risk to their U.S. citizenship. For more information on dual nationality, (aka dual citizenship) click the link.
"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee: he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV
So there's no need to relinquish your US nationality, So, don't trip just get dual citizenship. I have mention in my blog post "want to get away" about the May 7, 2025 deadline for the real ID. For those of us who travel, we should have our ducks in a row by now🦆. So, people, please do not be ignorant and ignore(for those who do not have a driver license or state ids here in America) embarrassing, to say the least, but are people who do not have things things. In the near future, you will need to get identification just to travel domestically.
Now, I know some of you are not really into having one, but how are you going to travel three months from now? Yes, less than 90 days. You have a limited time. And with the (45th), now 47th POTUS, in control, he's on a roll. With the DOGE. It's Trump 2.0 oh, say can you see?
In addition, if your traveling to the United Kingdom(UK) even if your just connecting flights and its not your final destination. You will need to fill out this form, before landing. Click here for the form. You will need to pay for the ETA(this is what they call it), which is $12.75 USD. It takes 3 business days(sometimes sooner). This lasts for two years or until your passport expires which ever comes sooner. Only UK, Ireland and those with valid UK visas, do not need an ETA, nor do they need to pay this fee. This goes into effect on April 2, 2025 for EU nationals.
Also, know the laws and rules beforehand to any country that you will travel to. One of many of my past blog posts, for example "Lost in Translations". You can run into trouble(without even knowing it) and you will have to abide in; that country, all along with all its rules and regulations. Which we have heard about in the news. Mainly, if not most are Americans travelers who are/were the violators.
So Americans brothers and sisters, believers and non-believers, watch your mouths. Or you can and will be denied access into certain locales(even if you have the proper paperwork). So do a little google research, to the countries your traveling too. Not fully understanding any particular countries laws, before traveling would make you: 'a big dummy'(said in my Fred Sanford voice). Common sense is not common anymore. You have been warned.
I had this blog post since February 22, 2025. I'm just now posting five days later(and there more to add here) due to more I wanted to say. But, because time is of essence here you go. I will update this blog post as I research and find out more, about new travel changes. I'm starting a new blog that will focus on traveling(as there will be a need for it), as this blog space is mainly for my Lord God YAH. Glory Be To YAH. HALLALEYAH!
I'll blog back later.
Your Girl LG
Holy Scriptures: Revelation 18:4 KJV and Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV
Photo Credit: iStock and Your Girl LG
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