Showing posts with label Bail Outs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bail Outs. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2011

The World Unites to Stand and Fight!

How fitting, that on the weekend, where we here, in the United States celebrated a memorial, of the late great Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. monument, in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, October 16, 2011. The one who stood for justice for all. If it wasn’t for men and women of character, such as Dr. King.  Would I even have a blog subject to display here today? Yes, but, the point I am making is, this coincides, beautifully with the Occupy Wall Street movement. As you know October 17, 2011, marks the 1st month anniversary, of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
It was on September 17, 2011, when the mass media ignored the protesters who refer to themselves as the “We are the 99%”. I’m not saying that I am not one of them, because I am, I’m just writing in third person. Can you dig? Nevertheless, as the movement grows, what can become of this movement? I have wonderful, thoughts and ideas. As the world turns, the rest of the world protests, more, and more against: Greed, corruption and really freedom from tyranny! Power to the People!
The most important part of this battle is to get those in leadership, not only to listen to us, but to hear what, we the people, are sick and tired of. I fought for justice, many times in my life and will continue to do so. “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” 1Timothy 6:12 I will always be for the people. For this is one of the most important laws of our Yah. To love thy neighbor as thy self.  This movement, I must say brings me joy! It’s interesting, motivating and covers many issues that we have here on earth, that effects the people. 
For those of you, who have read my previous articles here on this blog. You are aware of my, Passion of Yahshua. “He who has an ear, let him hear…”Revelation 2:17 (NKJV). The two most important laws, Jesus gave us was; “You shall love the Yahshua your Yah with all your heart, all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27(NKJV) So it is with love, I write to you my beloved. I like to write about the future, Yashua told us about and continues to tell us about in the Holy Bible (for those of us, who reads it). 
So, to the Occupy Wall Street protesters around the world. I will leave you with this piece of food for thought, from our Yashua Hamashyach:
“Then spoke the Yahshua to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not your peace” Acts 18:9”
Until next time...Fight the Powers that be!
With Love,
Your Girl LG
Photo Credit: Chris Hopewell Fight the Power photo.
Scriptures: 1Timothy 6:12, Revelation 2:17, Luke 10:27, Acts 18:9 (NKJV)
Scriptures are listed by order of this article.