Sunday, June 30, 2024

Eleven Years Later...I'm Back! Glory Be to YAH!

Do you know how long I have tried to log into this account? No. No. You don't. But The Most High does and he is now, allowing me, once again; to, begin to..."Shout, shout, let it all out, these are the things we can do with out, come on now, I'm talking to YOU! Where are my Gen Xers at!? For those Boomers, Gen Z and Alphas out there, that was and is still; one of the many theme songs of Gen Z's, by Tears for Fears,(click here to hear) we had growing up in the Eighties. Plus, I been blogging this style, for a while, it helps keeps my writing flow going. Also, in the event I lose this logging information again, please reference my other blog I created recently: Thank you.

Nonetheless, APTTMHY! This is a common acronym, you will see on social media today. It stands for All Praises To The Most High YAH! All are welcome here! To the Hebrews and the Gentiles; To the Believers and the Non-Believers! This message is for all, a message that America has Fallen! The Great Mystery Babylon is the United States of America! The evil ones who does, Satan bidding in the earth; has been warning us over the years though Hollywood images, media, movies, and songs. I will be updating this blog article with a Tik Tok video on what movies to watch; to get your mind ready and read the Holy Bible to get your mind right in these latter days! Burn Hollywood burn! Disclosure: This is a secular song and the uncut version; Ice Cube cusses on his rhymes verses.

Yes. We are the blessed generation who will live to see the coming of our Messiah! That is, if your smart and follow, his laws, statues, and commandments words of the Most High Yah! It's exciting, frighten, riveting and bananas all at the same time! I wouldn't want to be anywhere, else but here, to hear the sounds of the triumph horns calling us to come out of here. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 KJV 

Please note: Mutually exclusive of Americans(that means Foreigners who came to America to live, too), and are currently living in the corporation of the United States. Should be preparing right now to leave, or leaving sometime within 2024-2026 time frame. I am not fear mongering. Pray on everything. Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; protect me from those who rise up against me; Psalm 59:1 ESV

I will blog later about relocating/ex-pat ideas(sooner then later). In the meantime, make sure your passports are valid and everyone in your household has one; that means all your children, too!  Start to apply now if you don't have one. As of June 28, 2024 here are the processing times for U.S. passports:

Current Processing Times (applied on or after December 18, 2023)


6 to 8 weeks


2 to 3 weeks


Must make an appointment and have international travel within 14 calendar days

Click here to start. I am here. You are here too, if your reading this blog. The main purpose of this blog for me is to Praise the Most High YAH; in all his glory, fight the good fight; and fight to win back souls for the Kingdom! From all the lies we were told and sold! You are loved! Come back from the brink of no return, before it "All Falls Down"; song by Five Starr(UK, Stand up!) I take secular songs and dedicated them to the King of Kings, Lords of Lord, YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH. Selah.

As I decrease, he Increases. Praise YAH for giving us an end time Prophet name Celestial. Go to the Most High YAH Prophets'; Celestial is her name and speaking the Master's Voice is her game! Prophet Celestial has many sites this is her blog at One of the many prophecies has come to fruition, this is the latest one: "KENYA: A PROPHECY FULFILLED & IN MOTION" (ECONOMIC INSTABILITY, FAMINE, DROUGHT & BEAST SYSTEM). Click here. If the link fails, copy paste this:  So, remember to follow her and support her channel. Our King Yahshua is raising up a new Church, that don't hurt, it's congregation though lies and demonic Enns admiration's! Glory Be To YAH!

Thank you King YAHSHUA! For motivating and allowing me again, to do and finish the works you have commended! HALLELUYAH!

Stay tuned. I'll blog back soon!

YAH Bless!

Holy Bible Scriptures: Psalm 59:1 ESV Revelation 18:4 KJV

Links From: Google's Blogger,, and You Tube Music.

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG3