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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The State of the Union Address 2011

This is why I voted for change. I am speaking of the speech that our President Obama give tonight. You might not have seen the entire speech. So click here. I can certainly tell you the reason that I started blogging and commenting and speaking out to the world, and those in the world that read my blog, that is. :)

Due to the 44th President. I have worked on Campaign for Change(2007-2008), Bennett for Colorado(2010) and since I was 13, I have always been down for fighting for the people. I started and particularly named my blog after the 44th President (see above), the subtitle that it. Jesus Christ is the love of my life, so he with always reign Supreme UNO!!! What? You Don't Know!? So that’s why the 44th President came in second for the subtitle.

To all of my bloggers, no matter what ever it is that motivates you. Get on with it already. The world awaits. One more thing, I see the sitting arrangement tend to work out better then some of you had thought. Wink.

You Girl LG

Photo Credits: Charles Dharapak for AP Photos

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