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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The President's Plan for Health Reform

Former Senator Edward “Teddy” Kennedy was smiling from Heaven today when our President address Congress on Healthcare reform.  President Obama set the record straight on Health Care reform. It was clear from the start of his speech that, there is division on this issue from the republicans members of congress. One from the republicans side said out loud “that’s a lie" when President Obama spoke on the facts not the fiction; that illegal immigrants would not be cover.  The republican has yet to be identified(at the time of this blog). It is clear. Not all members of Congress want all Americans to have health insurance. It's mandatory to have car insurance to drive in America, why is that not the case when it comes to health care?
I keep bear witnessing, the nastiness of those against healthcare reform, though scare tactics that has been broadcast on many television stations via commercials.  Which brings more confusion not understanding. The greatest point made was the cost associated with this reform.  President Obama said it will cost less then, what was spent on the Iran war. This is one of the main charges the republicans frequently use to keep the division going. How many more American’s must die, be denied for coverage, or file for bankruptcy due to no insurance or lack there of?
The time is now America. It's time to act. 

The President's Plan for Health Reform

“It will provide more security and stability to those who have health insurance.
It will provide insurance to those who don’t. And it will lower the cost of health care
for our families, our businesses, and our government."

Add your voice: Ask your representatives to support my plan for real health reform in 2009.

Photo Credit: Reuters

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