It was 40 years ago, when another senator by the name of John F. Kennedy(the 35th U.S. President) held a public convention. Both conventions were held in the Western States of California and Colorado. Furthermore, when Senator Barack Obama becomes the next President of the United States, it will make him the 44th U.S. President. Needless, to say 4+4 equals "8", eight represents "New Beginnings"did you also note that JFK's was our 35th U.S. President, 3+5 equals "8". Our Father who art in Heaven, is so much into numbers he dedicated a whole book to it..."Numbers" in the Old Testament. This is God speaking. Refer to this passages: Number 1: and Ecclesiastes 3:1
I put together a short film entitled "What is Democracy?" A Historical Reflective, that captures the visual of the democratic journey from my point of view. It's just below this article.
Nonetheless, here's a link to a recently published article from Annenberg Political Fact Check: "A New Stitch in a Bad Pattern"
Until then...happy blogging to all my bloggers out there, I'll post to you real soon!