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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration for the 44th President of the United States of America

Today, January 20, 2009 our President elect Barack Obama will become the 44Th President, of the United States of America.  The Library of Congress has allowed the Inaugural Committee to use the same Bible that President Abraham Lincoln was sworn in on.

Presidential Inaugural Committee Executive Director Emmett Beliveau stated "President-elect Obama is deeply honored that the Library of Congress has made the Lincoln Bible available for use during his swearing-in". 

President Abraham Lincoln was the United States 16th president and sworn in during the year 1861. As you know how God loves numbers and so do I, 16 breaks down 1+6= 7, 7 represents completion, 1861 the year in which Abraham Lincoln became President 1+8+6+1 equals 7 as well.

May this day renew hope in you and America and everybody in the world for that matter, that Yes We Can, Yes We Did and Yes We will. God Bless you.

Your Girl LG.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

So I know, I am late to blog back, but who though this year of 2009 would start off so fast! Happy New Year to all my readers and bloggers out there. I have so much to blog about: the Inauguration, the Burris situation and yes the historical day in the Colorado legislature. That's all up next!!!
Your Girl LG.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanks America for Standing Up!

Yes, We Can! Yes, We Did! Thank you America for voting for change, for standing up and renewing the hope that United We Stand, Divide We Fall. The victory we gained tonight, November 4, 2008, brings a new hope that everyone of us is responsible for the way we treat each other, the way we handle our business personal and professional as our newly elected President Barack Obama said at the historical DNC in Denver, CO, "American We Can Not Turn Back" and we truly can not.

America, please know that the world awaits how we handle this new America. Let freedom ring and let us begin with this "newness" with peace, prosperity and justice for all. Thank you for all the wonderful people I met from around this country who volunteer their time, who donated to this campaign and so much more. This blog, my youtube videos were all created based off our newly elected President Barack Obama who had the "Audacity" to have hope; so that I awoke and now I know we not going up in smoke! Let me clear my throat!!

I am more than happy, I am humbled, I feel thankfully that God allow me, we, us, to be alive at this time and this moment to experience this greatness. It's time for change, it's time to bring our troops back home, it's time to take care of All Americans no matter their race, gender, or political affiliations or cultural background.
Let all of us, as American Citizens look within ourselves for the answers we always had but never let out.

"We are the Change We Been Waiting For.." Barack Obama

I'll blog back @ ya'll soon...Your Girl LG.