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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Incoming Natural Diasters!


Puetro Vallarta, Mexico - October 3, 2024  Congratulations, America! You really did it! You Scoffers and Mockers of the Words of our Lord Yah, King of kings and Lord of lords, aka Jesus Christ! Your mocking, has turned up the rate of frequencies of Natural disasters! No, this is a NOT; a 12,000 cycle, H.A.R.R.P., A.I. or whatever excuses your saying that it is.  It is indeed from The Most High Yah!  Here comes the Boom! Welcome back to the future! 
Meanwhile, Americans are sitting here, like Pharaohs of ancient times; across the nation with hardened hearts, saying nothing will happen. Well, here it is. "All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24:8 KJV For those in the back, America YOUR UNDER JUDGMENT!
Clueless and hard-headed Americans replies: Why? We're a great nation! Was. Not now. Having men dress up like women and acting like women. Traditions since the colonies era times.  Broke-back-mountain-men, Jezebel spirited-men and women. Let's not forget their "Monster are Us" children everywhere in America! Your stinky-ness. Has reached the high Heaven. Yes, of course there are exceptions to this, but the majority of people living in America are NOT living righteously. Facts, multiply by the power of 5,000!
Furthermore, celebrities, solemnizing Men, Women, and Children and Diddy isn't the only one who's been doing this. The hurricane named "Helene", hits 300 miles off the coast inland. Ask western North Carolina, parts of South Carolina and Tennessee, too! People this was just a snack of a hurricane. My Lord Creator, Yah is not playing with the USA or this entire planet! More severe weather is on it way! I have been preaching, speaking and saying this for a while now For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” Matthew 24:7 KJV says: “The Prophetess Celestial has just posted a video about this click here to go there immediately!

My apologies for the spacing on this post. I was on vacation when I wrote this blog post.


I'll blog back later.


Your Girl LG


Holy Scriptures: Matthew 24:7-8 KJV

Photo Credit:



Friday, August 9, 2024

This Or That?


August 9, 2024--Somewhere in Time  While working, listening to my music. The Choice is Yours! Came on, a song by a duo called Black Sheep. Which lead me to post this blog today. Check the video out on my Tik Tok channel. Click here for the entire song. As I have said in previous blog posts, I turn secular music and reference them with Holy scriptures to get the young and not so-old, daily, weekly motivated to read God's word. 

Darn shame. I have to resort to these measures, but here we are. Beautiful thing about the Most High Yah, he is long-suffering and he's not a man that he should lie. If you thing he's playing, HE is NOT! If you think we're going to build back better, or make America great again, were not! No man, knows the time when he returns, but we will go though some turbulent times ahead. 

The question is what are you doing now with the time you have for Yah(God)? If you still have breath, you were made for something. Have you figured that out yet? Or, are your doing; This or That, literally. Ok. Ok. But, seriously you Bros(guys) and Broskis(gals) what are you doing, if your not repenting of your sins? Oh, I know. Your on the Highway to Hell! Go get a copy of The Book of Enoch. You do not want to go there for infinite and beyond!

Meanwhile, here on Planet Earth. Earthquakes, floods tornadoes, hurricanes worldwide oh, my; and ya'll(went down south for that one); just claiming 12,00 cycle, H.A.R.R.P., or climate change!!! In my Charlie Brown voice "Uggh!" People all over the world: WE ARE IN THE END OF DAYS.  Jesus Christ said:

"And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky: but can ye not discern the signs of the times?"  Matthew 16:3 KJV

Heavy on the O ye hypocrites part. Most Americans can go to any movie theaters or stream them at home and watch horror, sci-fi, action, and thrillers and believe the movies. But can't believe we are the generation that shall not pass away before all things happen. Common sense, isn't so common anymore. It is really, a great, exciting, freighting time to be live! So to all my Believers, Non-Believers , preppers, etc., get right with the Most High Yah, now then later. We shall see things and go though things NOBODY has ever seen. Image that.

Until I blog again, my friends.

Yah Bless!

Your Girl LG

Holy Scripture: Matthew 16:3 KJV

Photo Credit: Your Girl LG