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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Number 111 in 2011

The Number 111 in the 2011 Year
Everybody on Earth birth and age numbers equals 1-1-1 this year! You don’t believe me? Just add your age (meaning how old you will be this year and then add the year). For an example: I will use my niece’s age(because I don’t want you to know my age!)  LOL :).  
She will be 18 this year, and was born in 1993. So add her age, eighteen(18) and the year she was born in 1993.  Just use the last two numbers for the year(93). So 18+93 equals 111!  I did mines and I equal 111. I called and asked all my family members and all their numbers equals 111.  
Now do yours. Waiting...told you so! Now that you know this to be true. What does the number 111 mean? It has several sufficient meanings. For spiritual reasons let’s take a look at Psalm 111.
In Psalm 111, I took this passage from Charles H. Spurgeon book “ There is no title to this psalm, but it is an alphabetical hymn of praise, having for its subject the works of the Lord in creation, providence, and grace. The sweet singer dwells upon the one idea that God should be known by his people, and that this knowledge when turned into practical piety is man's true wisdom, and the certain cause of lasting adoration. Many are ignorant of what their Creator has done, and hence they are foolish in heart, and silent as to the praises of God: this evil can only be removed by a remembrance of God's works, and a diligent study of them; to this, therefore, the psalm is meant to arouse us. It may be called The Psalm of God's Works intended to excite us to the work of praise”.
So in plain English, GOD is waiting on us to praise him, so we may be Blessed with what he has Already created for us.  GOD has opened up the windows of Heaven. Every one of us, have all back sled on HIS word. GOD wants us to repent and wants us to praise him so he can restore to us; what was lost, stolen or taken from us. 
Like what the people of Nineveh was going though in the book of Jonah (Old Testament). Like the recession in American the source of great evil and suffering. The people of Nineveh repented and praised the Lord and was saved!  Refer to JONAH 4:2

The insert below I found is from Professor Rolf Jacobson tells us this way:
“After Nineveh repents, God relents and does not punish the city. Jonah is angry and tells God that this is why he fled in the opposite direction from Nineveh in the first place--because he knew that God was merciful.
The language that Jonah uses here is traditional language. It occurs famously in Exodus 34: "The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (v. 6). But Jonah does not use this traditional language to praise God but to accuse God of forgiving a people whom he thought deserved to be judged and punished.”
So instead of being mad at your situation. Try Praising the name of the Lord and get your blessings!  I think I am going praise him right now!!! 
Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord GOD Almighty, which was, and is and is to come! Repeat!
You have not, because you ask not. It’s time to convert the Non-Believers!!! You tried everything else.  Now Repent and Praise Thy Lord!!!
Your Girl LG
Keeping it Really Real!

Below are links to all things that’s related to the number 111! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Storm Warnings", Christchurch, New Zealand

To our beloved brothers and sisters of Christchurch, NZ. Be strong. Know that GOD hears yours prayers in the darkness and in the light. God always gives us "Storm Warning" for all of his creations who are alive and live above the earth and underneath it(i.e. water).

I will praise the name of the Lord at all times and his words shall continually be in my mouth.  In the mist, of this chaos, the Good News is...and this too shall pass!" I shall remind all people on this earth.  GOD is Nigh. Jesus is at the door. REPENT!

For we are living in the beginning of all sorrows. Refer to the book of Matthew 24.

God Bless you!

Your Girl LG

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