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Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday 2010

I serve an awesome GOD! You should too! Glory be to God! In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who died for all of our sins. This is the day our Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it! For all my brothers and sister worldwide, who does not know what Good Friday is let me explain.

This is the day we Believers Christians, Catholics, regardless of religious affiliations celebrate the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. You might ask why celebrate his death? Well, if he did not died for our sins we could not be reborn again in Heaven and on Earth and get Eternal Life. Good Friday marks the death of our all sins, that means everybody on this planet Earth, though his blood, we are washed clean from our sins.

On the third day, which is commonly known as Easter Sunday is the day we Believers in Jesus Christ also celebrate. This is the day, GOD rose Jesus Christ from the dead. He is ALIVE and LIVES within us and he is coming back again (known as the Rapture)!
Glory Be to GOD!

Have you taken Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savor? If not, let's do it right now. So you can reap the benefits here on Earth and in Heaven. Amen. Jesus Christ is the only way to make it into Heaven!

Say this out loud with your heart. Keep it Real, for GOD knows your Heart. Ready?

"Dear GOD, for I am a sinner and I believe you sent your only begotten son into this word to died for my sins. Lord God, I make Jesus Christ my Lord and Savor. Come inside my heart. I take you as my Lord God”. Amen.

Congratulations! You have been saved and are now officially a member in the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ! Alleluia!

Once you get saved, the devil will try to make sure that you encounter false doctrine. Your faith is tender and you will be prone to believe anything people tell you about the Bible (that's why you need to read it for yourself everyday).

Click here for the King James version of John 14.

God Bless you! Your Sister in Christ
Your Girl LG

Photo Credit: Google Images

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's Official! Health Care Reform 2010

It's the Law! Health Care Reform now.  This is the change I voted for. This is for "Teddy" Kennedy who should be smiling in Heaven right now. This hard fought legislation has been in the works since Theodore Roosevelt
The President sign it into law. What goes in effect immediately:

  1. Requires health insurance plans to maintain dependent coverage for children until they turn 26; prohibits insurers from denying coverage to children because of pre-existing health problems.
  2. Provides tax credits to help small businesses(up to 25 employees) provide workers with insurance.
  3. Bars lifetime dollar limits on insurance coverage.
  4. Sets up high-risk health insurance pool to provide affordable coverage for uninsured people with medical problems.
For other key provisions of the health bill click here.

For a timeline of how we got to health care reform click this:

Thank you America and Thank you Mr. President!

Photo Credit: AP
Links Credits: The White House and Reuters