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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pardons Granted. The First Right Steps for North Korea

Pyongyand, North Korea--Former President Clinton went to North Korea to bring journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee home. Mission Accomplished.

Allowed by the Obama Administration, the hard workers who helped get this deal done also included: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for asking for amnesty, that set the tone; former Vice President Al Gore, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, for their influences and former President William Clinton(Kim Jong has been waiting for a visit from you since the 1990's, when you were president). Better late then never.

Collectively, they all saved both journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee from a 12 year hard labor time for illegal entry and engaging in "Hostile acts".

Remember, in July when we were still mourning Michael Jackson's death, we totally forgot about that July 4, 2009, party North Korea wanted us to watch. Former President Clinton had a rare negotiation talk with the reclusive Kim Jong II in North Korea.

I like what our new Obama Administration have accomplished within the first 7 month of his presidency thus far. What a nice birthday gift. "Happy Birthday", President Obama.

To Laura Ling and Euna Lee, "Welcome home" ladies.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Health Care Debate and Why We Need it

Shaker Heights, OH--Today, President Barack Obama made his case again for Health Care reform. In these times of H1N1, diabetes, as more baby boomers who are retiring and for 47 million Americans who are uninsured why would any righteous citizens debate this? Maybe it's due to the conflict that has always existed between the Republican party(and any other party) and their Health Care Lobbyist Associations ties, who are very frighten that their backdoor cash deals and other favors might be revealed.

I have yet to hear any other ideas from the Republicans or from any other parties for that matter on how to resolved this mess call the Health Care System and what else they can do for the American public health care concerns. I have always been a believer that "if it's not broke don't fix it. Well, ladies and gentleman, America's Health Care System is broken and our President is trying to fix it.

With the help of responsible citizens we all can have health care insurance. The only reason I currently keep my "day job" is for the health benefits. Or if we had Universal Health Care, I could blog to you more often and well as do more things for my community. It's not that I am sick or even have a "pre-existing" condition. I am very athlete and if I was to break a bone, God forbid, I would like to know I was covered.

Therefore, write your hometown, Senators and local Council Members and tell them, it's very important for all of us to have health care insurance. We can't stand united if we are divided, nor can we carry on, or work at our jobs if we are sickly.

Here are some links for you to help support Universal Health Care:

Photo Credit: AP