For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 Repentance is Needed ASAP!

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Memory of 9/11/01--Where Were You?

Where were you on September 11, 2001? I was in Philadelphia, PA. I can remember that day as anyone would remember where they were on that day. I was angry, frustrated, sadden and totally went into preparing for an emergency exit out the city of Philadelphia, PA. I clearly can remember, how the people I was working with, was so totally out of the reality, that we were under attack. Side note: I've done the research and yes, I know it was a set up. That's another blog article for another time.

What I clearly can recall is how the response from my co-workers and the non-responses. It totally made me look at them differently. The owner of the company, I was working for, at the time, came in and told us to turn on the television, in the break room. We did. It was the receptionist and myself who was in at this time. We both watched the North tower being hit. I went to call my boyfriend at that time. He was calling his peoples in Newark, New Jersey. I had an college friend of mine who just recently relocated back to New York, NY. I left messages on her voicemail. I knew she worked closed to the World Trade Center.  I never heard from her again.

The reactions of my co-workers made me see that Yah was testing us. I figure that this is how the rapture will be. I went outside and was looking upwards. Upper management who was just coming in and getting the news, they were like business as usual. I was like, I can get another job, but I can't get another me. By the time I was gathering up my things to leave and making calls, to my family members across the nation. The Pentagon was hit by Flight 77. I knew we were at war after Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.

I sat down to write what I needed for at least the next 3-7 days. Batteries for my flash light, canned goods, water, candles, matches, lighters, a map, a full tank of gas for my truck. I totally went into military mode. By that time, Major John Street made announcement, that all businesses, schools, should closed in Philadelphia, PA. I didn't need that confirmation, but my co-workers and bosses did. I was already in my truck and I gave the receptionist a ride. She was just in shock.  I told her I had to go to the Pathmark to pick up my list of things. One of the main things, I love about people of the East Coast. As I was packing my shopping cart, full of my things on my list. People inquired about my things in my cart. I told them what was going on. Then I got a call that, there was another flight under distress. I dropped off my co-worker and then we heard Flight 93 went down in Shanksville, PA. After hearing the reports and that people of Flight 93 took the terrorist down(so that's the lie they told us anyway). That gave me a brief moment of hope and pride.

I never had any patriotic feelings for this country before. Until that day. For the following month, my former boyfriend and I went up one week later to check on his family members. There was a thick smoke from the towers that was still lingering in the skies. It was unbelievable. This was the only time since, Yah put me here in the United States of America, that I actually witness unity amongst my fellow citizens. It lasted about a month. But what a beautiful month it was!

I still can see the future and it's bright.  I know now how some people will react to it or how they won't react to it. This is how the rapture will be. "Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other left." Matthew 24:40 (NKJV)

Which one are you?

Yah Bless you and Yah Bless the United States of America, and all of your childern of the world.

Your Girl LG
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