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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanks America for Standing Up!

Yes, We Can! Yes, We Did! Thank you America for voting for change, for standing up and renewing the hope that United We Stand, Divide We Fall. The victory we gained tonight, November 4, 2008, brings a new hope that everyone of us is responsible for the way we treat each other, the way we handle our business personal and professional as our newly elected President Barack Obama said at the historical DNC in Denver, CO, "American We Can Not Turn Back" and we truly can not.

America, please know that the world awaits how we handle this new America. Let freedom ring and let us begin with this "newness" with peace, prosperity and justice for all. Thank you for all the wonderful people I met from around this country who volunteer their time, who donated to this campaign and so much more. This blog, my youtube videos were all created based off our newly elected President Barack Obama who had the "Audacity" to have hope; so that I awoke and now I know we not going up in smoke! Let me clear my throat!!

I am more than happy, I am humbled, I feel thankfully that God allow me, we, us, to be alive at this time and this moment to experience this greatness. It's time for change, it's time to bring our troops back home, it's time to take care of All Americans no matter their race, gender, or political affiliations or cultural background.
Let all of us, as American Citizens look within ourselves for the answers we always had but never let out.

"We are the Change We Been Waiting For.." Barack Obama

I'll blog back @ ya'll soon...Your Girl LG.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Colorado Wants Change...

October 26, 2008

100,000 attend the Colorado for Change Rally.  Colorado goes Blue for you, Senator Barack Obama.  See Raw Video below. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Change We Can Believe In

It's was twelve days ago, when Senator Barack Obama accepted his party's nomination for the President of the United States of America, at the historical 2008 Democratic National Convention, in Denver, CO. There it was, a moment of history on so many levels. Senator Barack Obama being the first African-American to secure and accept his party's nomination; then there was the fact, it just so happen to be on the exact day, 45 years later when the great, late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.  It was also, the 88th year in the same month that women in this country was granted the Right To Vote, when the 19th amendment was approved.  Also, it was Denver, Colorado's centennial for hosting the Democratic National Party, the last convention held in Denver, CO was in 1908.  

It was 40 years ago, when another senator by the name of John F. Kennedy(the 35th U.S. President) held a public convention. Both conventions were held in the Western States of California and Colorado.  Furthermore, when Senator Barack Obama becomes the next President of the United States, it will make him the 44th U.S. President.  Needless, to say 4+4 equals "8", eight represents "New Beginnings"did you also note that JFK's was our 35th U.S. President, 3+5 equals "8".  Our Father who art in Heaven, is so much into numbers he dedicated a whole book to it..."Numbers" in the Old Testament. This is God speaking.  Refer to this passages: Number 1: and Ecclesiastes 3:1
I put together a short film entitled "What is Democracy?" A Historical Reflective, that captures the visual of the democratic journey from my point of view. It's just below this article.

Nonetheless, here's a link to a recently published article from Annenberg Political Fact Check: "A New Stitch in a Bad Pattern"

Until then...happy blogging to all my bloggers out there, I'll post to you real soon!


Monday, September 8, 2008

C. Matthews and K. Olbermann, Political Anchors get demoted

Once again it's clear...speak about your political views even if it's your job to do so on any major network especially when the elephants are in the room(or in hearing distances, you know they have big ears) and something negative will happen!  The only two reasons that most Americans including myself watch that network are because of Chris and Keith.  They have always been true to their political and all other views for that matter, regardless if you agreed with them or not. 

The reason for the demotions of Mr. Matthews and Mr. Olbermann was clearly not of course which they stated, it really started when Keith and Chris was covering the DNC in Denver, CO for MSNBC right after Michelle Obama spoke at the Pepsi Center. It was vividly clear.  Mrs. Obama could and should be our next first lady.  I watched both Keith and Chris become emotional.  I mean the kind that most men would hide, especially in front of millions of viewers, and reporting for a right-winged network. 

Michelle Obama would not and could not be denied.  It was clear to all, that watched, listen whole heartily that she spoke so eloquently, intelligently and emotionally that even the critics could not criticize her speech.  It became the defining moment of the DNC that set the tone, on the first day of the DNC; that this is her destiny, to be the next First Lady of the United States of America. 

I have attached the link below, so you can watch for yourself.  If you couldn't feel the emotions of her speech, then you just don't get it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's Time For Change- Barack Obama for President of the United States of America

Welcome to G Force News

Welcome to G Force News...the basis of creating this blog is to elevate you higher, to inspire you to create, make, blogs of your own, showing you the light; with a Godly tone.  Thus the name...

So it begins!

Your Girl LG